Workshop: GCMAC 2024 | Integration and automation of materials characterization techniques (Part I)
The German Canadian Materials Acceleration Centre is hosting a day-long in-person training workshop at Accelerate 2024, focused on the Integration and Automation of Materials Characterization Techniques. Participants will learn about automating materials characterization and resultant data collection and management, form connections with other researchers directly involved in MAPs development in Canada and around Europe, and participate in a lab tour. The workshop will feature Prof. Dr.-Ing Helge Stein (TUM), Dr. Robert Black (NRC), Dr. Kourosh Malek (FZJ), Dr. Süleyman Er (DIFFER), Dr. Pascal Friederich (KIT), and Dr. Payam Kaghazchi (FZJ), and Dr. Michael Greenwood (NRCan). Event Registration:
- Anjuli Szawiola, NRCan
- Kourosh Malek, Forschungszentrum Jülich